Replication enables data from one MySQL database server (the master) to be replicated to one or more MySQL database servers (the slaves). Replication is asynchronous, This means your Slave servers do not need to be connected permanently to receive updates from the Master, For example, you could stop the Slave thread on the Slave server […]
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Cloud General
cloud general knowledgebase articles.
LDAP integration with openstack Keystone
Keystone supports integration with an existing LDAP directory for authentication and authorization services. I have tested this schema with Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6.4 openLDAP with openstack icehouse and its successfully connected. Use the following steps to LDAP integration with openstack Keystone. Install LDAP on Ubuntu or Centos sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd set […]
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Enable LDAP authentication for Cloudstack
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. As the name suggests, it is a lightweight protocol for accessing directory services, specifically X.500-based directory services. LDAP runs over TCP/IP or other connection oriented transfer services. LDAP is an IETF Standard Track protocol and is specified in “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). You can use an external […]
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