Detect New Hard Disk Without Reboot VMware

A new hard disk to your Linux OS running on any Virtual Environment which like VMware workstation. It won’t reflect unless you reboot the Guest OS. In order to detect the new hard drive without reboot use the following steps. Add a New Disk To VM First, you need to add hard disk by visiting […]
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Add Compute Node on Existing OpenStack using Packstack

While single-node configurations are acceptable for small environments, testing or POCs most production environments will require a multi-node configuration for various reasons. As we know multi-node configurations group similar OpenStack services and provide scalability as well as the possibility for high availability. One of the great things about OpenStack is the architecture. Every service is […]
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cloud-init and key pair error openstack

Recently we have received the following errors in OpenStack console and  The ssh key could not be injected and the cloud-init cannot contact the server. [ 43.395174] vdb: unknown partition table [ 113.888499] cloud-init[774]: 2016-08-29 20:01:03,415 –[WARNING]: Calling ‘’ failed [50/120s]: unexpected error [‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘status_code’] [ 164.924980] cloud-init[774]: 2016-08-29 20:01:54,454 – […]
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